Vijayasri Iyer bio photo

Vijayasri Iyer

Engineer. Musician. Storyteller. Philomath

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AWS Healthcare Cloud Monitoring

Simulation of a cloud based patient bedside monitor using synthetic data and AWS (IoT Core, DynamoDB, boto3, AWSIoTPythonSDK)

Smart Home Simulation MQTT (IoT)

Building a smart home simulation using PyMQTT and synthetically generated sensor data.

Brain Tumor Classification (Machine Learning)

Using transfer learning and vision transformers to classify brain tumors.


Building a simple music practice app using Flask & Python.

Human Trafficking Analysis (Data Science)

Data analysis for the human trafficking dataset on kaggle. Find the corresponding medium blogpost here.

COVID Prediction App (Machine Learning)

A hackathon project, where the risk and severity of covid is predicted using input parameters such as age, temperature, previous illnesses and a chest x-ray.

Disaster Response Pipeline (Data Science)

ETL Pipeline for classification of disaster response tweets.

Autonomous Robot Localization (Robotics)

This project aims to teach a robot to Localization itself, given a 2D map of an environment. More details about the project can be found in the report here.

Home Service Robot (Robotics)

In this project, I build a home service robot using a turtlebot that autonomously navigate to transport objects from one location to another. Read the report here.

SLAM: Map my world project (Robotics)

Localizing a robot using Graph SLAM. Read the report here.

Deep RL Manipulator (Robotics, Machine Learning)

This project is based on the Nvidia open source project “jetson-reinforcement” developed by Dustin Franklin. The goal of the project is to create a DQN agent and define reward functions to teach a robotic arm to carry out two tasks.

PR2 Robot Perception (Robotics, Machine Learning)

Teaching a PR2 Robot to perform object classification using Point Cloud Library, DBSCAN, Color Hisotgrams and SVM. Read the report here.

Mars Rover (Robotics)

This project is modeled after the NASA sample return challenge and it will give you first hand experience with the three essential elements of robotics, which are perception, decision making and actuation. You will carry out this project in a simulator environment built with the Unity game engine.

Follow me Drone (Robotics, Machine Learning)

The purpose of this project was to use deep learning to enable a drone to autonomously follow it’s intended target. For this project, I implemented and trained a Fully Convolutional Neural Net (FCN) to semantically segment every image(video frame) captured by the drone’s camera to extract the location of the target.